Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Saturday Morning
We started out awkwardly, but eventually it got better. I'm glad to say our picnic went on smoothly with an exception of the unfortunate scorching weather. Tropical island we have indeed. It's my virgin trip there but sad to say, i think it's gonna be the last? Don't ask me why. Over to town to catch Madagascar2. Walked around, saw some familiar faces, visited Pearlyn as usual. (Pearlyn came online just as i typed her name. This is spooky.)

We took hell lots of photos yet i have no time to post it up because i have to off my laptop now for i need to call Lloyd asap with my house phone otherwise the consequence will be unbearable, so too bad. I am very convinced my reason is valid. and please don't get the idea that Lloyd is bad. He is NOT bad.

We didn't plan this. Spooky x2

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